NAPS for Everyone


I was writing this blog post originally during our flight to Japan back in 2019. The kids were fast asleep over the pacific I had just convinced them they were really just taking a nap on the plane. Recently my son came home from school with a horse voice. And promptly told me his first grade teacher he needs to sleep more. First I explained to him that his loss of voice is actually a viral infection. I confirmed that yes indeed extra sleep is one of the best way to fight an infection. But he already is a healthy sleep, out cold like me within ten minutes of hitting the pillow. He can however benefit for an extra nap here and there. To which he replied, NO!!! not another nap. 

Let me be clear. I am a nap pusher, nap junky, nap believer, the list just keeps going on and on. It really stems from my childhood. Yes my 11 year old still naps and I will admit she naps maybe once a week, if I am lucky! I think between the ages of 2-5, she did an average of 4-5 naps a week. Was that too much, looking back the obvious answer was yes! When she entered elementary school that number dropped between 2-3 days and by first grade I realized that the subtle art in the distraction could be applied to napping. Quiet time is a blessing on itself. By second grade I stopped using the term nap time and moved towards quite time and it did the trick. From time to time, I do say nap time to denote the kids need to sleep but 50% of the time when I say quiet time the kids lay down in there room for 30 minutes just laying there, after those 30 minutes, they’re asleep. 


I don’t know about your kids but after the twins birth I started to see a pattern in all 3. If my kids had no nap all week, by Thursday, came the short tempers or angry responses. I realized quickly that to curb the mood change was a nap. I implemented “Must Nap Weds. or Thursday” and the problem was cured instantly. I also found that it helpful to do one nap during the weekend. Today the kids nap maybe once a week, twice if I am on top of it. Are they sleeping really? I would say every third or forth lay down, they are out within minutes. Naps are also paramount during the flu season.When they were younger it made it easier to get out of playdates or activities that might put them at risk of getting sick. Yes, I am one of those parents and damn proud. 

With the chaos of today, the world need naps more than ever. With the cornovirus-19, it doesn’t hurt to take a moment each week to just lay down, and sleep or just chill-out. We are so focused on our kids schedules that we forget, staying home and playing out side is such an important part of being a child. Takin a nap once in a while doesn’t hurt either. Our kids live very structured, regimented and manicured lifestyles thanks to the social pressures of keep our kids busy. I fell for this behavior years ago and learned quickly. I like having my kids at home. I like working with my kids on their homework. I like talking to my kids when they are at home. In short I grew more and more comfortable with my fears which ran parallel with parenting. Today I loosened up so much with things like riding bikes to school or just playing in the front yard. Now don’t get me wrong. The speeding neighbors still scare the shit out of m


As proponent of naps, I am also a nap customer! I’ve mastered the art of the run-down nap. There are those mid-week days you just wish you could close your eyes and sleep. The quick siesta is such a blessing and art form really! I will lay-down for 20-30 minutes and set an alarm for myself to get up in that shot time span. What I found is you took a nap for over an hour or two. You woke up groggy and tired and unable to function. Setting that alarm and getting a quick 30 minutes, really does charge your batteries to finish the day. I like to thank the Tejada Spanish blood in me for the siesta gene in me. 

If you are feeling run down, just set that clock or watch for 30 minutes and siesta that sluggish feeling away! Viva La Nap!!!!!!