OVERDUE*** Tummy Time, Who Knew

*Update - this post was written in early December. 


Okay, for some reason I don’t remember the doctor telling us about Tummy Time before Paley went home. During our stay at the first hospital the nurses brought it up repeatedly, one nurse after another. At the second hospital we only had 1 or 2 nurses bring it up. So far only Lochlan has actually laid down on the ground and done tummy time. But both have laid on both of our chests many times over.

What’s insane is there are actual toys out their specifically design for this one simple task. Granted we are only talking about a $20-$30 toy, that’s a lot of money for most families. What I love is that most instructions dictate that you should be only floor and playing or stimulating the child. Here’s my deal with that request, my newborn can only see things less than 8 inches away from their face. That’s really close, really close. Poor Margot had her first doctor appointment today and she’s only been home for 2 days now. So we are giving her a little break.  


One thing is for certain, Lochlan has a strong neck. He started holding up his head and steady since he was 2 days old. His ability to look around and support his head is amazing. As you can see from this photo. Margot is good as well but certainly not at the same level as her brother. Sadly with Margot being in the hospital for so long, she didn’t as much stimulation as her brother had. He has a good 2 weeks on his sister for being home. 

What’s insane is there are actual toys out their specifically design for this one simple task. Granted we are only talking about a $20-$30 toy, that’s a lot of money for most families. What I love is that most instructions dictate that you should be only floor and playing or stimulating the child. Here’s my deal with that request, my newborn can only see things less than 8 inches away from their face. That’s really close, really close. Poor Margot had her first doctor appointment today and she’s only been home for 2 days now. So we are giving her a little break. 

UPDATE: The twins are doing tummy time on a daily basis, typically right before it's time to eat. After 3+ weeks in the NICU, Margot has a flat spot on the back right side of her head. The doctor wants her on tummy time several times a day, I am lucky if I can just get her down at least twice a day. The goal is to avoid hearing the dreaded HELMET word at their 4 month check up. Fingers Crossed people!!! We've got another good month to go.




BRIAN H-KThe TwinsComment