10 Months Old: Clapping & Funny Faces
With 10 months comes speed and the demand factor. A friend was over with her daughter recently for a play date with the twins. Her daughter is already 10 months old, she’s actually two weeks older that Lochlan & Margot. My friend was shocked to see how fast the twins move. They are our little speed crawlers. I attributed this to the fact they pretty much have full run of the house. Any room they are not allowed in (mainly Paley’s room and the bathrooms) the door remains closed at all times. We do have baby fences in the house but we use them to keep the kids out of the entertainment system shelves and from playing with all the wires under dad’s desk.
What’s amazing is how much the twins have grown these past few months. When we see other kids around the twins age and especially those who are breastfed. The differences are almost extreme. At that same play date with their little friend who is 2 weeks older, L&M were almost twice her size. All 3 were developmentally similar, except for size. Formula truly is a growth juice. I am currently working on another post to discuss the use of formula, it’s pro’s and con’s and the raging cost factor.
Dad and twins last week!
Oh, those funny faces. Paley was known for the funny faces she liked to make around this age. At 9 months, Margot already mastered her first funny face. Scrunched nose and eyes while rapidly breathing through her nose. Sadly Lochlan didn’t take to the same look, he just looks at you funny or smiles when you do it to him. Then there is Margot’s most recent creation, the piercing eyes and bitting of her lower lower lip. I think she’s mimicking me with that face, I think I make that face when I am frustrated.
Lochlan has been lagging the past month in the funny face department. Two days ago he finally debuted his first funny face, curled brow, turned up nose and curled upper lip. It’s like he’s mad but he’s doing a little smile when he makes the face. Most of the time he uses the face when he’s not understanding something but every so often he just does it for giggles.
Look no Hands!
Chewing food is still an obstacle we have not mastered. Their little playmate is already eating cheerios and solid veggies. For now we are just enjoying our baby food. I love how baby food bottles have age ranges on them. Stage 1 is for 4 to 6 months, Stage 2 is for 6 to 9 months and stage 3 is for 9+ months. In talking to other parents, the start of solids all over the place on the parents comfort level of introducing it to their children. We didn’t start stage 1 till the twin were 6 months, another friend has even touched stage one and their kid is 8 months old. I am still trying every other day to get them to chew food with puffs, cheerios or yogurt melts. Sadly they are still gagging. I remember Paley being the same way. I believe she was around 11 months when she finally started eating real food. Hopefully for the 11 month update, I will have a better update for you in that department.
Over the next month the twins and I have the challenge of adapting to Paley’s new school schedule. Thankfully we decided to put P. into before school care, giving me more freedom with the twins sleep schedule. I am also hoping to start music class for the twins sometime next month. The twins are pretty close to walking, especially Lochlan. We are still working on Margot’s tippy-toes when she stands up.
Lochlan's new funny face!
Oh did I mention, we also finally got the twins to feed their bottles to themselves. Finally! I think they were beat by their pals Milo and Quinn by 3 months. Lochlan was first to achieve this feat at 9 months but in only spurts. Now he can down a bottle one-handed. Margot on the other hand was our late bloomer. She started feeding herself about 2 weeks ago. She still takes pauses now and then but she has mastered the lazy chest rest feed.
The demand factor is mainly a Lochlan thing. You just can’t feed that boy fast enough. I feed the twins together and you would think the time between the spoon leaving his mouth, then goes to his sister and then back to him would be enough time to swallow and process, but NO!!!! Patience is not his strong suit. Margot on the other hand is one calm little girl, well unless she’s drinking a bottle. When it comes to keeping focus on a task, like a bottle feed, she has my personality, 100%. Margot has to be aware of what’s happening all the time, what’s that? who's that? did you hear that? That’s my girl! Man am I in trouble.
Oh and they both love clapping, especially Lochlan with his feet!