Missed Entry: Twin Update - A Week Long

(This entry was never posted - I am posting it now, just because)

​Last Monday, P. was out of school for another Jewish holiday and we did a play-date with 3 of her friends at the park. Earlier that morning Tracy had a regular OB appointment followed by stress test. The doctor appointment went fine, no problems. The stress test seemed to really stress out the nurses. Poor Tracy waited a while for the appointment and when it started she started to have some powerful contractions which spooked the team at the hospital. She was admitted and it did take a turn towards a delivery soon. The hospital was not permitted to deliver twins before 34 weeks, so she was transferred to another local hospital. 

I got the call at the play-date in the park and I scooped up P. and picked up Clem. Poor Tracy spent the next 5 days on every tocolytic drug possible. Her poor body and spirit was run through the ringer. Towards the weekend we finally saw some light at the tunnel. The contractions had slowed down to a normal rate for a twin pregnancy. We ended the week with some new energy. Tracy spent so much energy on the week but by Friday afternoon she finally found some strength to allow her body to heal. 

During the whole stay she dealt with it all, from the steroid shot to stimulate the twins lung function to large doses of magnesium baking her from head to toe. The docs were worried about Pre-Preeclampsia, they were worried about potential kidney problems. They even mentioned hypertension. In the end all of those fears were washed away along with her blood tests coming back lower and lower. 

On Saturday we had a crazy day between Clem and I orchestrating my mother’s birthday party which was planned over a month ago. Then Tracy and her husband also experienced some personal tragedy in their family which presented a long night filled with a familial love. We were blessed to be able to be there for them and help out as much we could.

Clem and I spent the week up there and by Sunday morning it was looking we were taking a turn towards more progress and possibly Tracy going home. We had finally made it 33 weeks and the doctors were targeting for 34 weeks. Clem and I decided to pack up and give Tracy and her family some more peace and quiet and bring P. back to some normalcy as well. She spent the week with my mom and the two of them had a blast. But we new P. was ready to go back to school.

On Monday night we got the good news Tracy was heading home. She’s going to see her doc later week, so we will certainly find out the game plan. This is important because on the departure of the hospital docs were still focused on talking about 34 weeks. Whether we induce is a scary thought but one important piece of information from our week long stay is a contributing factor in the equation. On Tuesday, her second day in the hospital, the twins were measuring 5lbs 5oz & 6lbs 6oz (the girl being the latter). So everyone is safely at home. Tracy is taking it  easy with some bed rest and we are working hard to put the house back together. The kitchen is almost put back together. More to come on that.....

BRIAN H-Kbaby, deliveryComment