Great Find: Scandal & Washington
So late last week, I walked past the latest Vanity Fair with Kerry Washington on the cover. Kerry’s celebrity status has blossomed the past two years and I’ve read and heard how amazing her show Scandal was. I finally took the time to hunt down the show and we burned through the first season on Netflix stream in 4 days. It’s only 7 episodes. I was cooked on Scandal crack! Kerry is so brilliant in her role as Olivia Pope. The writing for the show is also amazing.
We have made to season two and just finished episode 4. I made a post on instagram about the show and several friends commented that they love the show as well and the second season is a wild ride. The cast is truly amazing, salt and peppered with great character actors like Joshua Malina (West Wing) and Guillermo Diaz (200 Cigarettes). Really excited to find out more about the round table of heavies at the end of the 4th episode (the justice, Olivia, Cyrus, the first lady & the oil man). I have a feeling the President is going to die pretty soon. He became humble to quickly.
cool fan art of olivia pope
Washington is brilliant in the show. She took this role and inhaled it completely. I’ve always thought she was a stunning beauty and I am happy she final found a vehicle to take the lead. She’s doing an amazing job, she embraces the flaws and cut throat sides of Olivia Pope. Washington has graced several favorite movies of mine as a minor role. From Mr. & Mrs. Smith to Django.