The Fosters Set For 4th

Two years ago, I got hooked on “The Fosters” on ABC Family (now called Freeform Network). I wanted to get into the show when I first heard about Rosie O’Donnell was producing the show in 2013. You know me, huge Team Rosie fan. Down with Trump! On a side note, I have to say Rosie has been pretty respectful during this political cycle and the notion of Trump becoming President. I digress, the show is about one families life through the struggles and good times of being a Foster Family. It also happens to be the family’s last name. 

The head of the family is a dynamic lesbian couple who, over 4 seasons have really embraced these roles. Their family is made up from one biological child from previous straight marriage, twins fostered at birth and eventually adopted. The show picks up when the family takes in a new foster daughter caught up with the wrong people and she eventually joined by her younger brother, bringing the kid count to 5. 

Over the past 4 seasons you will see the inner-workings of family, love, pain and loss. More importantly is the gut truth of the foster system and its rocky nature in society today. Rosie guest stars in the show, only appearing in a handful of episodes each season. The cast grows on you so fast and each season cliff hanger leaves you speechless and hoping for more good. I wouldn’t recommend this show to kids under 10, the show is rated 14+ but I think some of the subject matter is not that strong. Would I let my 10 year old watch it, most likely, my 8 year old has already seen several episodes. This is a great show to fall in love and binge watch. While last season’s cliff hanger was scary and heart wrenching for months, there was some relief to know all was good. But then the writers just threw us that hidden curve ball which just hit me in the gut. Fair warning, watching it, is addictive.