Margot 4th Portrait: 

We took so long to get the twins portraits made and posted up on the blog because I truly was caught up with all the wrong things last year. I was neck deep in volunteer duties one month before the twins birthday when I realized I had not closed or finalized the details portraits with the artists. Both portraits didn’t actually get underway till a few weeks out from their birthday, that should have been my first warning last year I was doing too much. Lesson now learned. \

Joanne Nam has been on my wish list of artists to work with for some time now. We acquired a small piece of her some time ago and was eager to have one of the girls portraits done by her. 


This portrait as you can see from the some of the photos did evolve over time. Working with Joanne was very easy and she evolved the piece over several months. I’ve learned that I need to go back to my original plan of trying orchestrate the process before the kids birthdays. Otherwise it’s just prolonged well past their actual birthday. Timing is key in the end. I’ve already start work on Paley’s portrait commission which might be done in time for her birthday. 

Margot’s 4 year portrait is another great piece and one of the largest one’s we have done so far. Margot like her sister loved the fact she could see the painting come alive. This time when I opened it after delivery, she was twirling and singing how pretty she looked and how much she loved it. Note to self, next time film the dance instead of staring at the painting. Now the piece is off to the framers to get framed.