2020 Happy Holidays from HKfamily5

This is a year we have all lost something, or had to make sacrifices. As a family, we have soldiered on like so many families out there. Am I overly protective after this experience. You bet ya!! I don’t care if you think I am nuts not allowing my kids in the grocery store or going into friends houses for playdates. I am thankful for being protective of my kids and I think many parents are just equally protective. Am I making mistakes, yes! We are all making mistakes. One’s best judgement is the only way we can protect ourselves or even survive. I can’t pretend to understand what others are struggling with but I can certainly care and support them. I am thankful for the many of our family and friends, who kept the avenues of communication open.

I am thankful I even reached out to more and more friends who I usually only connected with maybe once a year. One thing we have all learned is we all have an emotional limit to participating in anything. From conversations to even sitting in front of a camera. Honestly, I have no idea how Clem does it being on meetings all day for 5 days straight. The strength to soldier on each day is strong in that one, he truly is the glue that hold me and kids together. What we have learned so much about ourselves, the kids education, communication between 5 and more importantly that patience is always root of every situation in our lives. Patience and giving unsolicited thanks to those around us, has made this journey a solid milestone in all our lives. 


Well we were all locked up together when you look back to this crazy year across this planet we call earth. We all had our own struggles, with depression, over stimulation, withdrawal of friendships, you name it. Overall while we all our experiences during 2020 are different. We hope you have found time to heal. This did give us some memorable adventures to McCall and back out to Aptos. While we distanced the best we could, we gave the kids some semblance of normal through all the distancing and fears of what we touch or even eat. Did we put ourselves at risk, yes to some degree but we were mindful of our options.


In our holiday card this year, I declared “Goof Ridden's 2020”. To be honest I wanted to say much worse on that card. While I cherish the time and lessons that quarantine gave us as a family. So many we love and care for struggled during this time. Grandparent like Mimi and Ama and all the elderly had to make sacrifices and endure loneliness. The kids had their struggles this year, like so many kids. We learned lessons, cried tears of sadness and fear of what was to come. Every day was a new story but the Groundhog Day nature of quarantine makes you realize to keep looking ahead and try something new once and while. 

My hopes for 2021, we need more change, we need more progress. Looking to others in this time of need and support is the only way we can ensure everyone is safe. We tried our best this year to give so much back to those in need. Whether it was financially, social zooms, answering the phone, texting, sending letters or simply being present in meetings when family, friends and coworkers needed something. This year also presented a challenge we all probably  didn’t realize was occurring the whole time. Recognizing our own personal priorities. Whether it was friendships, work, family or even selfceare.

We wish you all a New Year Celebration with lots of love and selfceare. Whether you are with your bubble or alone. HKfamily5 is just one text, email or call away. We love you all and we hope you enjoyed our special message from our Favorite Angel……..See you in 2021.

Love HKfamily5