Baby Registries Are Up

I swear I put up the registries awhile ago. Turns out the links are no longer on the blog. So today I finally got around to putting them up after 4 crazy days. A few people have asked about whether or not we planned on hosting a baby shower for the twins. A few people mentioned having interest in hosting but nothing ever came of the conversations. With the scare over the weekend and the stark reality we are not prepared in the baby gear department. So I promised those people we would at least have links to our baby registries. I also updated them because some items are no longer available. 


On the plus side, after months of watching Craigslist for some one selling their espresso stain Land of Nod Straight Up Crib, I finally found someone in the bay area selling one. I emailed the person but I am still awaiting confirmation that I can purchase it. How awesome would that be. For now I need to make sure we get those essentials like the crib, squared away.

BRIAN H-KBaby, RegistryComment