Yes Twins!

Well we are officially out of the twin closet. Back in March we did our 6th transfer with our 2nd surrogate. While we were hoping for the best, of coarse we were preparing for another negative. Alas it was a beautiful positive. Thank you to the gods and the universe. Our surrogate is doing well and is already out of the first trimester. She did have a rough first few weeks of the pregnancy. Nausea that just wouldn’t quit. Then came the confirmation ultrasound and twins were on the docket. The first few weeks with this news we were flying just because we are finally pregnant. Then came reality and it didn’t really slam right into us, it slowly crept into our minds. 


We were having twins. For me the wake up call happened in NYC and Clem pulled out a package of wipes to wipe off a table. I just sat there staring at the package and it came back to me the amount of wipes and diapers were in our future. Clem said I was just in a trance and had to call my name twice to bring me back to reality. So here we are, what’s on the menu is two of everything. We are friends with several families who have twins and we already had some experience with my brother and sister-in-laws twins who are only two years older than P. From the non-twin families we get concerned look and concerned questions if we are going to be able to handle twins. From our twin friends, we get a smile and a giggle, then a “oh you are in for some fun” or “you can do it”. 


The only annoying question we get right now, is “are you going to hire a nanny or night nurse”. At first I was a taking a little offense to the question and then I realized that the question was only coming from parents who lived in our area which really said more about the common practice where we lived. A lot of families in our area do have nannies or used a night nurse. Honestly it made a lot of sense for the many different family dynamics around us. Clem and I are lucky that I am able to stay home and raise P. But when the next set of kids are 2 yrs old, my hope is to head back to work. 


So we are now at 19 weeks and we are expecting a boy and a girl.



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