Finally Up To Speed & The Birthday Photos
Lochlan and Paley napping together in our bed. A first!
It’s already the middle of January of 2015. Did you just see half of a month just disappear right before your eyes, I did! The end of 2014 was one fast lane right down to New Years Eve. We were so busy! So busy, that everything fell to the waist side it seemed. Regardless, I am happy report the HK household is finally back up to speed. Took us a good 2-3 weeks but we are now in the now!
Paley has been back to school 2 weeks already and still flourishing like she was in 2014. The twins on the other hand, decided to start the year out with a big bang of change. Margot figured out and taught her brother how to crawl out of the crib. Right now we are planning on converting the crib in the next week or so but I wanted to test out separating them for their nap time. Lately they just play before the finally crash around 3 or 4pm. This week I put Lochlan in our bedroom and Margot in their bedroom. It worked. Next week it will be Margot’s turn to sleep in our room for nap time. After that, I am still going back and forth of whether it should be weekly or switch every day. Thoughts?
One of my favorite shots from the friend Nancy fighting with some of performers, the Chanteuse Wiggy Darlington and the Burlesque dancer Sid Scenic
As you can see I’ve been posting portraits in my Instagram feed on the right from the Cabaret Show I hosted for my birthday. My friend Rachel Capil and her amazing team did such an amazing job. At first I didn’t want a photographer walking around the main room because it might be distracting from the show. So happy she proved me wrong. The photos I posted using Instagram and Facebook were run through aging treatment apps. I’ve added a link above the Instagram feed on the right. The photos will be online till April and then I will create another password gallery on my site.
Coming soon….I am working towards setting up my dropbox account so guests can upload any photos or movies they took at the Cabaret Show. Ultimately I want to create a movie of the whole event. Stay tuned HK-ateers!
the password is 40