Not Crying: Goodbye 30’s “WOW What a Roller Coaster Ride”
My twenties were fun! Trust me, they were VERY fun! Your 30’s is probably the best time to really start growing up. I didn’t grow up too much though. I still believe in Hope (thank you Hillary & Obama), Santa Clause and the Spirit of Giving. That’s what happens when you are born around Christmas. I think in my 20’s, I was a little bitter that my birthday was forgotten a lot. In my 30’s, I realized that if you want something you have to ask for it or get it yourself. Or if you want to feel loved, you’ve got to put it out there in the world.
Lesson learned in this auspicious decade? Patience. I will admit, I was never a patient child, teenager or 20 something. My husband and our relationship was certainly the catalyst to learning patience. Ultimately, it was having our 3 kids that would be the final nail in the head. They’re is no escaping the word or the lesson with kids around. Little one’s or even the big one’s, will test you on a daily basis. Yes it’s exhausting but it is also rewarding. Another lesson almost learned during this decade, it’s okay to ask for help!! I am still learning this little important fact of life. While I’ve given in here and there, I am sure my husband and mother will both agree I am no where near a 60% achievement rate on this lesson. Gotta love a D+.
For my 40th, I decided to end 40 years with a big bang. If you’ve been wondering what all these fabulous portraits were from on the left instagram feed, I hosted a Cabaret show fashioned right from the 20’s in Paris and London. Originally I wanted to host a huge party for myself at some huge SF mansion. That plan felt all wrong from the start. I started hunting for a new location and found Speakeasy SF and thought of hosting a Cabaret show in the intimate space. Sadly they lost their lease and I would have to go through two more venues. The light at the end of the tunnel was Bimbo’s 365. A night club that my parents boogied at, my grandparent’s, great grandmother and even my great great grandparents. The space was perfect and ultimately the show I put together was a hit. I have the open bar bill to prove it. I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect event. Well maybe no sprained ankle or a 6 year old throwing up back at home, pleading the sitter for us to come home (which we did by midnight). For me, just seeing so many of our family and friends having so much fun and my husband and mother having a grand old time laughing was the icing on the birthday cake.
Then there is my amazing husband. Who has let me stay at home with the kids for the past 7 years and let me put on that crazy but fun cabaret show for all of our family and friends. The man is an inspiring husband and father. While he may drive me up the wall with his quirks, I believe the feeling is mutual with me! The guy even managed to hide a painting I fell in love with over a year ago. He worked with my mom in hiding it for almost a year. Let’s just say I was speechless when it was finally unwrapped. Here is a guy who has pretty good idea of what was being spent on the Cabaret, went and bought me this amazing and huge piece of artwork. If you’ve been in our house, you are probably saying “Where are they going to hang it?”. To which I say, “Oh! We hung it alright.” It amazing. I love this guy, who is an amazing husband and father! I believe he’s 4-0 now.
So what’s in store for me and my 40’s? Well, I think Clem and I have finally come to terms that we are to be a family of 5. What I’ve realized is I would like to just enjoy my 3 little one’s for the next decade and hopefully some day go on my honeymoon with my adorable husband. My 40’s is going to be a great decade of exploration with my kids and most certainly the next chapter of my employment. Holly Homemaker days are numbered. Back to work I must go but where I land, nobody knows. I have some ideas, I am certainly going to see how the year pans out. The twins don’t start preschool till the Fall.
For now, a HUGE thank you to all of you who came to the Cabaret Show andsent heartfelt birthday wishes or regrets before the show. More importantly, I know some people weren’t invited and I wish I could have invited everyone but for you older generations friends and family, the show was a little risqué or distasteful. Let’s just say I saw some real pursed mouths on some of our Republican friends and family. I am sure I am going to get hell for saying this but to those of you who never RSVP’d or sent me 3-5 word emails saying you are busy and nothing else. You know who you are and I forgive you!
The show wouldn't have been flawless without this Merry Band of Misfit Toys at the Helm!!!! Sasha, Mel, Rachel, Jerry, Nico and were amazing to work with..........